A Gold Legacy Life Member of Aspinall-Bair-Stober Post 11038 in Rochester, Jim Cairo served 21 years in the U.S. Army. He gained his eligibility for the VFW while serving in Iraq from 2003-2004.
Jim has held numerous offices and appointments at the Post, District and Department Levels. He was elected to Post Commander in 2023, earning All-State and All-American honors. He has also served as Quartermaster of Post 11038, earning 5 All-State and 2 All-American honors. This is his first term as Commander of District 1.
Commander Cairo resides in Waterford with his wife of 21 years, Miki Cairo, and their 4 children. When not busy serving Veterans, Jim served as Master of his Masonic Lodge #247, Commander of American Legion Post 20, Waterford Lions President, and Scoutmaster of Troop 338.