It is not the intent of the Emergency/Disaster Fund to cover all expenses but to provide early cash money for immediate needs. When your primary residence is involved in an Emergency/Disaster.

Definition of Emergency Disaster:

Any happening that causes loss of property (residence) or extensive damage to property in estimated excess of $5,000.00. This does not have to be a declared State or National Disaster. Individual and/or local occurrences would qualify for assistance, one claim per household per incident, maximum twice in one given year.

Who is Eligible?

 Wisconsin VFW AND/OR Auxiliary members in good standing.

Monetary Assistance:

A flat allocation to be set by Department based on availability of funds, currently $300.00 to $750.00 for immediate needs. More moneys could be made available under certain conditions and situation with Department approval. This should be applied for separately, direct to Department Headquarters.

Application for Assistance:

Application form for assistance from this program is available through the VFW Post Commander and Quartermaster or click here to download the Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund application.

Verification for assistance will come through your Post Officers to the Department Emergency and Disaster Chairperson/Department Headquarters for final verification and payment.